Name your journey in one word
Name your journey in one word - Go! Wow, isn’t that a question. There are so many words one could use to describe my journey with Guillian Barre Syndrome (GBS) - some are negatives that I feel on my tough days and then positives on my good days. I think it is important to acknowledge both feelings. So when I try to choose my word, I need to look “Big Picture” as I look at the past 2.5 years and what I have experienced. When I had this discussion with my mom - first word that came to me BLESSINGS. Caught me by surprise, but thought about it again; yup that’s the word. How can getting a devastating disease be a blessing? Yes, being diagnosed with Guillian Barre Syndrome has changed my life forever, giving me plenty of challenges to constantly to overcome but still when I get down to it, I am blessed. When I first woke up 6 weeks later one of the first things you see is the window sills filled with Get Well cards. I felt the love of family, friends and coworkers, it actually ...