Letter to Premier Kenney - Where are the Rapid Covid Testing Kits for LTC facilities?
Monday December 28, 2020 Dear Honourable Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta and Honourable Tyler Shandro, Minister of Health. Premier Kenney and Minister Shandro, I am writing to you both again about your lack of response to the Covid situation of our province. I have sent you both emails and formal letter via email expressing my concerns on how you both have been handling the Covid response: Premier Kenney I wrote you a letter on Saturday December 5, in regards to your lack if Covid response despite surging cases, hospitalizations, increase ICU admissions as well as deaths. I wrote an email to Dr. Hinshaw on November 7 asking for more Covid restrictions, which you both were cc’d on. November 16, I emailed you Premier Kenney asking for the need of more Covid restrictions to stop the surge of Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths. On November 19 & November 20 I emailed you Premier Kenney asking where is the rapid testing you promised us in the S...