
Showing posts from August, 2020

My letter to Alberta Premier Jason Kenney - concerns about our provincial health care system

  August 28, 2020 Dear Premier Jason Kenney.  Hello. My name is Laura Jean Rutherford and I live in a long term care facility, AgeCare-Skypointe in Calgary, Alberta. I am writing to you as a concerned Alberta citizen of the policies and bills you have pushed through since during the Spring/Summer 2020 sessions, specifically on healthcare. I am concerned as I feel you are truly not thinking of the impact to the Alberta citizens, only looking at how it benefits those who support or lobby for you, benefiting those large corporations who supports you and basically doing whatever you wish to do just because you have a massive majority government that the opposition parties cannot hold you accountable to the changes you are making for Alberta.  Premier Kenney - Why are you and the UCP government advocating towards privatization system of our healthcare despite the frustrations being heard from Alberta citizens? Why are you wanting the United States system 2-tier system? Ha...

Acknowledging and Recognizing my Physicians and health care professionals who provided my care

  August 6, 2020 Dear Dr. Verna Yiu, President of AHS. Hello. My name is Laura Jean Rutherford, I am 49 years old and I am currently a resident on 6W Martindale Long Term Care (LTC) wing at AgeCare - Skypointe facility in Calgary, Alberta. I am writing this letter to recognize and acknowledge the care provided to me for almost 4 years now. I will be sharing about my hospital admissions:  PLC Sept 9, 2016 to Sept 21, 2017    FMC Sept 21, 2017 to April 5, 2018 PLC April 5, 2018 to Aug 5, 2018  SHC Jan 9, 2020 to Jan 11, 2020 and PLC Apr 24, 2020 to May 13, 2020.  Many times we see in the news or read the paper on the negativity or what is wrong towards our healthcare system. I would like to share some positivity about the care I received from your AHS employees - doctors/specialists, nurses (RNs, HCAs), Allied Health Professionals (your rehabilitation teams) and your supportive staff (housekeeping/porters).  My story begins in September of...

Music therapy with Spotify

When I was an inpatient at the Foothills Hospital’s Acute Intense Rehabilitation floor (Unit 58) from September 21, 2017 to April 5, 2018; one the therapies I was asked to join was Music 🎶 therapy. I didn’t do a group sessions, I was able to have private sessions in my room. Many times my mom joined me as it was the early afternoons after lunch. Through these sessions, the importance music can have in one’s recovery. Have the music match your mood be it somber, happy music with a great rhythm to sway to or inspirational (Christian music) to find encouragement. Just like the breathing yoga sessions I attended with recreational therapy, certain music provided me with a method of refocusing my pain (especially when my Foley catheter had to get change  - still quite painful to have done). During my annual family conference meeting last year (2019), my brother suggested is there a way to bring music therapy to my routine again has it could help me staying positive as well as help wi...