Dealing with Grief and Loss in my GBS journey
Grief and loss. Two human emotional reactions we deal with in our lives. Traditionally, we relate grief and loss to losing a loved one in our lives. Or when someone faces a challenge or trauma, there is a loss and/or grief. On Sun Sept 27, 2020 I attended a webinar on dealing with grief and loss, hosted by the GBS/CIDP Organization of Canada. Initially, it was difficult to link my grief and loss as many of the examples given were related to a death of a person. Luckily halfway through I was able to try taking the tools given and adapt them to a “thing”, which would be GBS in my case. These traumas can be small or large but impacts your life none the same. Plus each time our reaction to these traumas can be different as one’s coping skills vary. They speak of the 5 stages of grief - Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. It is these stages of grieving I learned about when I went to counselling in November 2009. My counsellor shared with me, I had not fully g...