Thank you for your prayers
This letter is long overdue. Hearing from you through cards and encouragement, has meant so much to me, especially as I move from Thunder Bay 15 years ago now. Your prayers each Sunday comforts me knowing God is beside me and He has surrounded me with warm and caring people in my life. This has given me strengths and positivity to carry me forward in my journey.
Jeremiah 29: 11-12: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
This verse has come up over the last 4 years when I needed to be reminded the importance of having our faith. I would never wish this GBS on anyone, it has tested my faith that is for sure. In my first 6 months of my diagnosis, I was so fragile that had 2 near fatal complications but my body fought along with the medicine I was receiving and came through them. Throughout this whole journey thus far, I have received such blessings that has humbled me, made me feel fortunate and overwhelmed how much love I have received from family, friends, medical professionals and strangers too. All have given me the strength to carry on to find my new joys, new happinesses, and new purposes in my life.
I am settling into my home, AgeCare-Skypointe, a brand new building. It opened May 2018 & I moved in Aug 2018. It took me some time to adjust being I am 15-20 years younger than my fellow residents on my wing. As the recreational activities are geared for my fellow residents’ ages, I participate by being co-chair on our facility’s Residents & Family Council. The staff who care for me, leadership of the facility and my assigned physician, Dr. Bhatia have been wonderful. Ensuring I am receiving great care, going at times above and beyond to make sure I have supportive devices to keep me safe and healthy.
2020 has been an interesting living in a LTC facility during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Our facility was in locked down due a Covid-19 outbreak from late March to mid-May. Luckily, only 4 staff members tested positive, no residents. With my multiple compromises I put myself in self isolation to reduce my risk of exposure. During my self-isolation, I had to be admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy but my stay was lengthened as I wasn’t able to go back until the lockdown was cancelled. What an experience. My hospitalist actually went back to my place to retrieve my iPad and phone as he knew they are my lifeline to the outside world. An example of kindness I have received.
On Thurs Sept 10, I had a EMG & Nerve conduction test and I didn’t receive the results I was hoping for. In comparing my EMGs from Nov 2016, July 2019 and Sept 2020; there has been little in the way of significance improvement. The reality is for the foreseeable future, my closest friend will be my wheelchair and AgeCare-Skypointe will continue to be my home. I am continuing with my physiotherapy twice a week to help my muscles/tendons from becoming atrophy again. Who knows overtime, we might see smaller improvements. There is always hope, do not feel it has been taken away from me. For example, 4 years ago, I was paralyzed from head to toe and no voice to speak; now I am paralyzed from the shoulders down to my toes, and I have a voice to speak. Been learning how to be an advocate for myself, my fellow residents and others like my staff and physicians. This summer, I am learning about a passion and purpose I did not know I had. I have been writing letters to our provincial and federal governments on concerns seen in our healthcare system as well as the unique perspective of living in a LTC facility during a global pandemic.
God has a plan, so must trust in Him. Definitely learning patience in this journey, has things are revealed in His time. Of course, we never seems to be on the same timeline. Thank you 🙏 again for your prayers and encouragement since my diagnosis. Last year, I decided to go back blogging to document my journey for myself and through sharing my story could help someone else - pay it forward. My blog site is called
Love Laura Jean Rutherford
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