Merry Christmas Laura

The last place anyone wants to be to celebrate Christmas is in the hospital; but there I was - in ICU with tubes and all without a voice really. In helping with communicating, the respiratory therapists have tried to turn down my trach so I could try to speak. I was quite hoarse and quiet at first. Unfortunately what followed was plenty of coughing and suctioning out sputum that I couldn’t cough up on my own. Despite that outcome, I was happy to hear voice coming; my voice. My first words were “Hello” and “I love you Mom”, of course both brought a smile to my Mom’s face plus made Dr. Zuege happy too.

Santa surprisingly knew where to find me too. I woke up Christmas morning and there was a large bag of gifts plus another bag from the NICU staff. I waited for my mom to arrive so we could open the gifts together. We were blown away by the generosity of the PLC Hospitality volunteers - hand creams, mirror, nail polish, a colouring book to name a few. I received a beautiful pink rag blanket - it was soft and warm. So comfortable. I have used it almost every day since - its wonderful to cover my legs when I am up and around in my wheelchair.

My gift to my family - it turned out to be a good day turning down the trach. I was able for a few minutes to wish my relatives a Merry Christmas. There were a few tears shed during those talks, as they were so happy to hear me talk again, even if it was just a few minutes. It was like a sign things are improving.


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