My new home - Skypointe

Still reeling from the wonderful send-off my coworkers gave me when leaving the hospital for Skypointe - felt the love. About 20-25 minutes later, arrived to the front door of Skypointe. If things couldn’t be better - there at the front doors, my cheering squad: Sara with 3 of her children Casendra, William and Elysia. What a wonderful surprise!

The driver got me off the bus and was welcomed with “Hi Auntie Laura”. How does your heart not melt hearing that. What a welcome home! My mom drove up behind us, so went inside to reception to say I had arrived. They gave my mom a trolley to put things from the car to make easier to move into my room. The whole gang moved to Martindale East - 6th floor to room 6105. My view was construction zone and seeing Country Hills Blvd (one of the major roads going west-east across Calgary. The room was bigger than the hospital but quickly realized that I won’t be able to put too many furniture pieces in my room from my house. 

Met DK, the admission clerk, and we joined her in a sitting area at the end of  the hallway. An hour later all the admission and financial papers were signed. When I rolled back into my room, Sara and the kids had unpacked my belongings and put everything away. My mom and I were blown away how quickly they found a home for everything. 

We had good timing as we finished everything to enjoy my first lunch there - cheese burger with fries. Just as she did in the hospital, Elysia wanted to help me when we had snacks. Elysia is a wonderful helper. After my mom fed me my hamburger, next was the fries. Elysia was quickly there to give a helping hand feeding me my fries. You have to realize Elysia is 4 years old and it’s a challenge for me to bend to her level. It was a cute moment - me bending down and Elysia reaching up with the fry. We had some of nursing staff and patients smiling as they watched Elysia try so hard to feed.

Later that day as I was leaving the dining area from dinner, I met a fellow patient Mary. We shared pleasantries and I explained that my disease is to be reversible and I hope to go back to work. Mary reply was so cute, “Oh, Laura. You are hoping to go back to work. I will be here until I die.” I couldn’t help but smile - what a welcome with a splash of reality.


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