Ever heard of an A-frame trachea?

So I am back in ICU, in the same room I had been living these past 11 months. Feeling defeated and frustrated that I had to deal with another setback. Worst timing, as my brother Bruce was coming the following week. I surely did not want to be in ICU when he came as this would be the first time he saw me since being sick. As my O2 levels were not improving, off to OR I went for a bronchoscopy as well as a tracheoscopy to see if they could see a reason for it. What they found was nothing I had heard before - I have an A-frame trachea. We could treat it medically, insert a stent into the trachea or major thoracic surgery.I have  read too many charts from coding - risk of complications involving the stent I was not looking for, nor the major thoracic surgery, both which can lead to a permanent tracheostomy. My mom and I decided as I seem to be able to cough sputum up, eat regular soft texture foods and I can talk again - we would go the medical route. So glad we went that route - talking up a storm and eating regular foods.


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