Welcome to Physiotherapy

Now that I am awake longer, the first thing to do is begin awaking the nerves as well as increasing the muscle tone in my arms and legs. As they say, “If you don’t use it, you lose it” - this definitely applies to your muscles in your arms and legs.

I was introduced to ICU physiotherapist, Maureen. We began with range of motion exercises working the shoulders, arms, hands and lower legs. Let me tell you it was painful and I had little range in the beginning of our sessions. Definitely didn’t help that I was developing hypersensitivity to touch to my limbs, so the slightest pressure would bring agony for me. The therapists and the nurses knew I would need pain medication prior to my physiotherapy to help manage my pain level.

In preparation for applying to learn how to walk again, Maureen brought a flat table into my room. Wonder what torture she had in store for me with this table. Ever heard of a Tilt Table?  It is a form of torture (haha). Once I was transferred over to this table, I was strapped onto this table like one of those magic shows you see on TV. Then they proceeded to start bring the table to a standing position. You slide down due to gravity taking over, feeling the pain in your lower back. For me there was tremendous pain from my ankles and feet. More tears would be shed during this process too. My time with the tilt table I was able to get to 70% in the upright position before the pain became too much and could only manage 10 minutes top to last on the table. To help me get through those painful moments, as it was the Christmas season, she would sing me the first line of a Christmas song.  Maureen was always encouraging and supportive throughout my stay in ICU. She always had Kleenex on hand to wipe away my tears. We went through a few boxes during my time in ICU.


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