Facing my reality
It will be 3 years this September that I was dx with GBS. Has it been that long? Learning how to use a mouth stick during the winter of 2018 with my iPad Pro, took some time as my neck was not the strong then. To keep me entertained in the evenings in the hospital, I said I was doing my neck exercises as my bought me the biggest iPad Pro - 12.9”, so you had to move your head side to side. Must tell you that it was awesome to be able to reconnect with family and friends on my own (email/Facebook) after not being able to for the first year and a half I the hospital. You read it on the internet and hearing from your doctors, the nerves’ myelin sheath regenerates 1mm per day. So figuring being a “worst case”, it will probably take more time than the average GBS survivor to recover (6 months-3 years). Therefore my new friend is Patience, it is just going take time for recovery. And yes recovery has been extremely slow and it can get quite frustrating waiting for something to move again...